Audit & Assurance Services

Improved Decision-Making & Financial Insights

Strategic Insights

通过与了解您的业务和行业的细微差别的审计和鉴证专业人员的合作关系,解锁您的财务数据所持有的战略决策见解, processes, and industry benchmarks to provide you with clarity. With an efficient, risk-based, and practical approach to your audit engagement, 你和你的利益相关者可以对你的财务信息充满信心. 


Defined Processes and Accountability

Redpath审计和鉴证业务遵循既定的交付价值流程,您的客户经理有责任履行我们的客户服务承诺,花时间与您一起主动发现问题和解决方案. Your engagement will be met with on-time deliverables, thorough communication, and a solid understanding of your operations and goals, taking the audit from compliance to business-changing insights.


Year-Round Connection

通过全年的接触点,而不仅仅是在审计季节,您的客户经理和审计和保证团队将讨论财务问题, accounting, and audit matters that can help with year-end planning, annual audit preparation, and improvements to your processes and procedures. 与您的持续互动也为我们的专业人员提供了一个机会,以主动解决所关注的领域,减少意外问题或意外的可能性. 这种高度关注意味着您随时了解最新的法规变化, accounting standards, and industry conditions that affect your operations.

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Audit & Assurance Services

Financial Statement Audit



审查包括执行分析程序和查询,以便对财务报表取得有限的保证. 审查不涉及通过测试交易或控制来获取证据,这是比审计更低层次的保证. 


In a compilation engagement, 您的保证团队与您的管理团队一起准备财务报表,但不保证其准确性或符合公认会计准则.

Agreed-Upon Procedures (AUP)

商定的程序业务是为满足所有相关方的具体需求而量身定制的. 根据报告最终用户的需求,执行的过程可能会有很大差异, providing flexibility and targeted analysis over specific subjects.

Compliance Audit

A compliance audit assesses whether your organization is complying with laws, regulations, contracts, 或内部政策和程序——包括监管机构在内的各种利益相关者可能需要这些政策和程序, lenders, or investors. 

Employee Benefit Plans

福利计划审计有助于履行您的受托责任,并确保您遵守《优德app下载》(ERISA)等法律法规。. 保护您的计划参与者并保护您自己免受劳工部(DOL)的审查. 你的计划的财务报表和内部控制将被仔细检查的准确性和任何管理不善,可能会使你的计划的利益处于危险之中. 

FAR Audit (indirect cost rate)

如果你是与联邦政府合作的承包商或分包商, 您可能需要联邦采购法规(FAR)审计来评估您的成本合规性, adherence to contracts, internal controls, and subcontractor oversight. 您的Redpath团队具备行业和监管专业知识,可以执行高质量和高效的FAR审计, while providing expert guidance and support to ensure continued compliance.


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